Baktari MD

4 Ways to Build the Perfect Work Environment (2024)

Jonathan Baktari MD Season 2 Episode 57

Welcome to season 2 episode 57 of Baktari MD! In this episode we touch on the 4 BEST ways to create GREAT culture within your organization and build leadership from within! All of the tips and tricks you need are right here! Find out all of this and more in the full episode! 

So how do you build culture? The first thing you have to understand in building culture in any organization is to see who you already have in an organization. Now we divide up most people in our organization as two types of people people who are amazing people, but they're clocking in and out versus people who are owners who really feel like this is their company. Now we'll have other podcasts about how to convert people in your organization to owners. But first, let's just talk about what happens when you have predominantly people who are clocking in and out and versus organizations where you have predominantly people who are owners. If you're in an organization where 80, 60, 70, 90% of people are clocking in and out, any person you bring into the organization is going to feel the pressure to conform to the majority of people who are clocking in and out. And by the way, they may be doing a great job, but they're still clocking in and out. So the flip side of it is, if you have an organization that the majority of people are owners, and you bring in someone who wants the clock in, it out, or who comes with that background or expectation, they're going to feel a tremendous amount of pressure to conform and either become an owner or leave the organization. So what happens in these kind of things where 80 or 90% of the people are predominantly renters, as we call them, versus owners, any new person coming into the organization will feel like a renter. And same thing in the other organizations where predominantly everyone's an owner and somebody comes in, they're going to feel a lot of pressure to be an owner or leave. So I want to kind of go over this. and what I call this is enrolling people into your vision. So in other words, you you as a leader come up with a idea. we're going to move more in this direction because, our competitors are moving in that direction, or we're going to move in this direction because our competitors are not moving in that direction, or we're going to, try to grow this side of the business, get rid of that side of the business, whatever it is. How do you make that decision? And once you make that decision, you know, how do you convey the decision? I think a lot of organizations decision is simply made at the C-suite level or sometimes that, you know, literally by the CEO. And then as a memo or in a meeting saying, okay, we've decided this. I want to argue that's probably the worst thing someone can do. Even if you have 100% control and authority to go into a meeting and say, you know, based on what I've read or blah, blah, blah, I give a quick explanation. I have decided we are doing this. Even if you leave out the word I. But if it's implied that it was you that made that decision, then it's not ideal. eNational Testing makes getting a simple laboratory test as easy as ordering something online. With three simple steps, you can have your test ordered for STD's, general health, allergy testing, diabetes screening, blood titers, and more. You can simply go in for testing the same day and get your results quickly to your email.’s complete health care panels come with easy to understand results at over 2700 locations nationwide. It's time to focus on yourself.; easy, convenient and tailored to your health needs. The the second thing is, of course, is to work with people that are already in the organization who may not be giving that sort of intangible effort, meaning the same product that they would give if they own the company. And, you know, how do you address that? Well, the first thing you have to ask for it, right? So people if you don't ask for that product, I don't think they know to give because most jobs don't ask for that product. So here you are being the the strange one, the abnormal one, the the one out of the bell shaped curve asking, hey, I really need you to care. But along with that caring, you have to combine that with, you know, and if you can do this and if the company does grow, it's going to mean great things for you. So so that sometimes works. But this this is going to require a lot of mentoring. And what you're going to find out is for whatever reason, certain people are all in and they get it. They're in a perfect stage of their life where they want to move ahead. And they they love the idea, and they can't believe they found a position that is actually asking for that, and it's going to reward them for that. And then there are other people who are in stage in their lives with honestly, they just want to do a great job. They want to do terrific. But, you know, just 9 to 5, give me my job description. I'm going to bang it out. I'm a do great job, but that's about it. And so you need to and there's nothing wrong with that by the way. You just need to figure out where they are in their life and their career journey. And if they're if this is something that would be attractive to them, because again, we're not talking necessarily about working more than 40 hours, right? We're talking about the mindset during those 40 hours, which is an intangible. And for those of you who are really struggling to figure out what I'm talking about, you have to be in an organization to see the difference, right? There are certain people that, you know, get it or have gotten it either however they got there, but they genuinely care about everything. and it's really personally important to them that the organization move in a positive direction. Next thing about employees that have been with you for a while is they become a really good breeding ground for recruiting, management, right? Because who is the best person to lead a new department to lead a new, service you're providing? The best person would obviously be someone who has already been with you that you can promote in the ranks. So think of, employee retention, giving you access to a pool. It's like your own little mini indeed program where you have a pool of people that you can pick from. So if a new client comes in, you have to open a new office, a new service. You can go to the pool of long term leaders and say, oh, well, you know, Bill would be great for that. Suzy would be great for that. So think about that now there's cost. So we talked about the advantage. But what about the cost? It's actually the reverse right. So there is a cost, as we all know, to hire and retrain someone who who is new. So that is the financial number whether it's 15, 20,000, until they get up and running, you're going to have to pay that cost. Or every time somebody leaves a position and you have to refill it. Cha ching ching ching ching. You're you're hitting the cash register. You're losing money. You're losing money. And so it's not a win. Now obviously if the person is not a good fit. Yeah. That does. Yeah. It's is time to part. That's fine because you're going to lose more money the other way. But all things being equal, every time you have to replace an employee, your it is it has a cost associated with it. Right. And then also when you lose that person, you lose their knowledge, their experience. They may know your vendors well, they may know your clients well. And all of that experience will go out the window. Right. You've always seen that email that goes out. Hi. You know, I just want to let all my clients know this is my last week working at so-and-so. And all those relationships that were built, you know, potentially goes out the window if you have a high rate of, you know, people leaving.